Friday, January 24, 2014

Allow me to indtroduce myself...

My name is Nick Pica I am a 19 year old undergrad at the University of Idaho in Moscow. I have many hobbies but for the most part I like anything that involves the great outdoors. I have enjoyed my time here at the University of Idaho but will be happy to graduate. After graduation, I will hopefully be able to move somewhere warm.

I am a sophomore in credits and am currently studying engineering. I really enjoy my major. I have focused mostly on hard sciences so far. That being said I am interested in sociology due to the important role it plays in all of our lives.

Which leads us to the point of this blog. In this blog, I will discuss two important, relevant topics which have been selected from two different chapters in my sociology book. I will research and discuss these topics from an objective viewpoint and hopefully with the help of your comments, further expand my knowledge and ability to accept multiple standpoints on sociological issues and topics. Thank you for your time, I am excited to begin.

Phil Armstrong Diversity and Inclusion ChairClick hereto contact Phil
I chose these photos because I see one specific link between them. No matter the differences in color, size, gender, culture, or religion, Everyone in the photo to the right are human beings. This is analogous to the image on the left, a cluster of crayons. Just because there is a wide variety of color or use, does not change that they are all crayons. Each being equally important as all the others. That is my sociological standpoint.

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